Your water heater can be an electricity hog! Think about it, it runs all day every day throughout the year and it is heating water up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit! It can usually account for upwards of 18% of your total energy bill, so it’s smart to consider these tips to help reduce its energy usage.
Tip #1: Reduce The Temperature
Many manufacturers will set the thermostats at about 140 degrees Fahrenheit, however, most homes should be ok at roughly 120 degrees Fahrenheit. To get an idea of how you’ll feel with the adjusted temperature, go ahead and take a shower to see if you’re ok with it. Another benefit of reducing the temperature is that it reduces the scalding and mineral buildup in your heater and pipes.
Tip #3: Insulate Your Tank (Some Caution Is Needed)
Insulating your tank can help reduce the heat loss which in turn reduces how often it turns on and then reduces your electricity usage! Some caution is needed though because you have to follow the recommendations or it could be a fire hazard. To do this properly you may want to contact your local plumber.
Tip #4: Fix Leaky Faucets

Did you know that a faucet with even a small leak of 30 drips per minute will waste almost 1,500 gallons of water per year? If that’s hot water that’s dripping then not only are you losing money from water, but also on the energy needed to heat it! You must ensure all of your leaky faucets are fixed!
Tip #5: Use Low-Flow Shower Heads

Look into replacing your showerheads and faucets with low flow models if they were manufactured before 1992. These not only can halve your water costs on a per-item basis but also drastically reduce your energy consumption as well, because you no longer need to heat that water!
Tip #6: Remove Sediment From Your Tank
Sediment can build up in your water heater over time and it needs to be properly drained out. Many manufacturers say that you should drain the sediment every six months, but it can make sense to do this quarterly. Having sediment in your hot water heat makes your water heater work harder to heat water which increases energy costs. Doing this simple task can reduce your energy usage and it only takes about 15 minutes!